שִׂים לֵב: בְּאֲתָר זֶה מֻפְעֶלֶת מַעֲרֶכֶת נָגִישׁ בִּקְלִיק הַמְּסַיַּעַת לִנְגִישׁוּת הָאֲתָר. לְחַץ Control-F11 לְהַתְאָמַת הָאֲתָר לְעִוְורִים הַמִּשְׁתַּמְּשִׁים בְּתוֹכְנַת קוֹרֵא־מָסָךְ; לְחַץ Control-F10 לִפְתִיחַת תַּפְרִיט נְגִישׁוּת.

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Bye-bye, Bullet Points!

The revolution is here. Google CEO Sundar Pichai revealed recently that company employees are encouraged to use as little text as possible in their presentations. Instead, Google recommends using images or short taglines – the fewer words, the better.

It seems that Google – as is often the case – might be onto something.

A study conducted by Washington University found that three days after we are exposed to textual information, our brain retains only 10% of it. But with visual information, we retain no less than 65%.

How does this insight influence our slide design? Simply follow the three-second rule: Your slides are like roadside billboards. If your audience can’t comprehend them in three seconds or less, you have a problem.

What do you think?

Share your opinion with the hashtag #ByeByeBulletPoints.

View the article here:https://on.inc.com/2uE2EUG

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